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Im Bereich Fach-Presse finden Sie Auszüge aus Pressemitteilungen über das TheaterTeddyTeam und Collector Bears by Annerose Schneider.

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Ausgabe 1/2007 von Teddybär und seine Freunde Ab Seite 30
Titelblatt von Teddybaer und seine Freunde, Ausgabe 1 2007 Teddybär und seine Freunde, Ausgabe 1/2007, Seite 30 Teddybär und seine Freunde, Ausgabe 1/2007, Seite 31

Hier finden Sie alle für den "Golden George" nominierten Künstler mit ihren Bären. Auch wir sind mit einem ganz besonderen Bären in der --Premium Class-- dabei.

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Ausgabe Juni 2004 von Teddybär und seine Freunde
Titelblatt von Teddybär und seine Freunde, Ausgabe Juni 2004Ab Seite 40 Nr. 2/04, Juni 2004 mit Schnitt für Bär Bartholomäus
Dicht gedrängt stehen sie um das flackernde Feuer am offenen Kamin; Ritter, Knappen, Narren mit Schellen und Druiden. Keiner gleicht dem anderen, jeder ist ein Individuum in Kleidung und Art. Manche tragen Kettenhemden, andere ein ledernes Wams oder gar einen gefiederten Mantel. ...

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Titelblatt der Japan Tedy Bear Fan Club 23

Ausgabe 23/2003 des Japan Teddy Bear Fan Club
Zur Seite 9 Nr. 23, Jan./Feb. 2003

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Seite 58 ff der Teddys 03-02Vorhang auf!
Zur TEDDYS Nr. 3/02 August/September/Oktober
Seiten 58 - 61 hier klicken.

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Artikel Seite 1Artikel Seite 2No 014 -Décembre 2001 50, page 16 / 17
Annerose SCHNEIDER Allemagne
Les ours du Moyen Âge...
Annerose habite la ville d'Ansbach en Bavière (Allemagne) depuis dix ans avec son mari Klaus et son fils de 13 ans, Florian. Ansbach (proche de Rothenburg) est célèbre pour sa cité médiévale et son style rococo mais aussi... pour le plus grand magasin d'ours de collection : TEDDYLAND.
"Annerose préfère réaliser des ours traditionnels aux larges pattes, aux gros ventres et bosses dans le dos. Depuis sept ans, elle fait partie d'une troupe de théâtre semi-professionnelle. Elle joue Shakespeare, Schiller et lonesco. Elle pratique aussi les danses du XVIlle siècle, sa passion.
Elle a commencé à faire des costumes de scène et cela lui a donné l'idée de confectionner les mêmes costumes pour ses ours.
Lorsqu'elle était enfant, elle était fascinée par l'histoire du Moyen Âge. Ainsi, elle s'est mise à visiter des marchés médiévaux. Â l'un d'eux, elle rencontra Roger Stenke, un spécialiste des vêtements du Moyen Âge en cuir. Ensemble, ils créèrent leurs premiers chevaliers-ours pour le Championnat Européen dans la catégorie "ours habillés". Ils essaient d'être le plus authentiques possible en lisant des livres sur ce thème et en visitant de nombreux musées."

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Titelseite der Teddybear Scene Ausgabe 50
Issue/Ausgabe 50 - August 2001
Page/Seite 4 - 6
Annerose's Medieval Masterpieces
A handsome teddy has lived it up in no less an exclusive than America's White House. Knowing of Bill Clinton's affection for beary buddies, a few years ago, award winning German bear artist, Annerose Schneider, made a bear in historical Franconian costume and sent him to The President, with whom she shares the same birthday, August 19.
And wasn't she thrilled to receive a very friendly hand signed letter of thanks from the then president.
It was the icing on the cake for Annerose who specialises in dressed bears with an historical theme. Triple sewn by hand, they are made to last, and in time will no doubt become cherished family heirlooms.
The creator of TheaterTeddyTeam, her unusual medieval style teddies are real scene stealers and in under 5 years she has become firmly established in her native Germany as a popular contemporary bear artist with a growing following.
"My life revolves around teddy bears and the theatre," says .........

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Titelblatt Teddybearscene Ausgabe 47 Logo TeddybearsceneIssue/Ausgabe 47, Page/Seite 26
What a show. What an atmosphere. What a buzz, We welcomed even more collectors to our Alexandra Palace show in 2000. With exhibitors from all over the world and collectors and buyers from Europe, Japan and the USA.
Many exhibitors had put a great deal of time and effort into creating show special limited editions or one off pieces for those visiting. The Wizard of Zandar, by Christine Jenner of Hazelwood Bears, just disappearedinto thin air as soon as the doors opened. The very first person in the queue was Debora Chin, who had made bears to the pattern I did for issue 42 (May/June 2000) of Teddy Bear Scene Magazine. She brought her bears to show me which were jolly good and she spend the whole day shopping for her nextBear", Christine told us.

Bild von einem Teddy mit Flügeln
Thimoteus was one of medival type dressed bears from German Bear Artist, Annerose Schneider of Theater TeddyTeam. Her unusual, fairly like bears, danced off the table and were extremly well received by collectors.
Special guest, Oliver Holmes, Managing Director of Merrytought,Limited was extremely busy on Saturday, signing Bears, posters, cheques (only joing) for collectors. There was a constant queue of Merrytougth enthusiasts to see some of the new designs. A phenomenal amount of work goes into a Gertie Wiggins Bear and UK Artist, Alison Cairns, was very busy with collectors admiring her pirates and vagabonds. The bears are large....

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Issue/Ausgabe 45, Page/Seite 37

Logo Teddybearscene

... Dressed bears with an historical theme are Annerose Schneider's speciality. Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa are two of the latest creations by TheaterTeddyTeam and Annerose is very excited about her bears' debut at the show. As she shares a birthday with current US President, Bill Clinton, she made a bear and sent it to him some years ago. Mr Clinton expressed his thanks and the bear now resides at The White House. ...

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